Mystery Shoppers Porgramme (MSP)

iBUSOL Mystery Shopper Programme was designed to support businesses in evaluating the quality of their products, services, and customer experience. Through this programme, we hire anonymous individuals to act as customers and interact with your business in various ways. These mystery shoppers then report on their experiences, providing feedback and recommendations to improve the business.

Our Mystery Shoppers Programme involves the following steps:

  1. Planning: The business identifies areas they want to evaluate, such as customer service, product quality, or store cleanliness. They also identify the specific tasks or scenarios that the mystery shoppers will be asked to perform.
  2. Recruitment: iBUSOL recruits the most suitable mystery shoppers through our pool of mystery shoppers, or in some cases, depending on the needs of the client, we may advertise for candidates with specialist knowledge of the products or services offered by the client. These mystery shoppers must be able to blend in with regular customers and have good observation and reporting skills.
  3. Training: Mystery shoppers are trained on what to look for, how to behave in the store, and how to report their findings.
  4. Evaluation: The mystery shoppers visit the business and perform the assigned tasks while observing and evaluating the quality of service, products, and overall experience.
  5. Reporting: The mystery shoppers provide a detailed report of their findings, including strengths, weaknesses, and recommendations for improvement. The business can use this information to make changes and improvements to their operations.

iBUSOL Mystery Shoppers Programme can be a valuable tool for businesses to improve customer service, product quality, and overall performance. By gaining insight into the customer experience from an outsider’s perspective, businesses can identify areas of improvement and implement changes to enhance the customer experience.


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